Your New Year's resolutions

Dee Bacus: Walk 5 days a week at Stonewood (they open early for walkers). All the way around inside is one mile in climate-controlled environment. It makes you feel great and lose weight. Also lots of smiles and good morning wishes. Great way to start the day. See you!

Celestine Grace Locsin: Healthy lifestyle, wake up every day, apply everywhere for a job, drink 8 ounces of water and go to church every Sunday.

Nicole Pierce: Get organized and save some money!

Cheyenne Rae Reyes-Cedillos: Try to keep going strong...2013 was the worst year of my life, honestly. Had a second open heart surgery, lost my baby boy, we are still at my in-laws and my hubby's workers comp case hasn't moved at all. 2014, I just want to keep going strong for my girls and my loving husband.

Frank Case: Wake up more Americans!

Diana George:Less Facebook and Candy Crush. More reading. Try to save a little.

Benjamin Valdez: To be an all-around better person.

Lilly Gomez: Being a better wife, better mother and a better human being. Reading my bible more and being more involved in my church and its ministry.

Jamie Smallwood: Do a few fun runs with my soon-to-be 7-year-old son.

Anthony Gonzalez: Quit smoking and lose weight.

Raider Tommy: Eat healthier and exercise...look after my health.

Cristina Campos: Lose weight!

Kathy Adams Vaughn: Use up all my gift cards!

Rosa Leon: I want to commit to healthier eating, also obtain my GED.

Sallie Liberto: Walk more and eat healthier.

Gay Ibara: Continue playing the Lotto. Maybe 2014 is my lucky year...

Brittany Saavedra: Discover the "me" that was bound to be.

********** Published: Jan. 2, 2014 - Volume 12 - Issue 38

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