The Downey Patriot

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'42nd Street' brings dazzle, pizzazz

DOWNEY - It's 1933 all over again on Broadway as a group of musical stars and wannabes join together to put on another razzamattaz show for a Depression-stricken audience out for a good time.Where would "A Chorus Line, "American Idol," and "Dancing With the Stars" be without this greatest of backstage musicals, "42nd Street"? Whereever they may be, they don't have the immortal Al Dubin-Harry Warren songs, such as "We're in the Money" and "Lullaby of Broadway," which remains the theme song for instant stardom. The Downey Civic Light Opera brings back the dazzle, the dances and the anxious delights of getting a show on its feet with a pizzazz that has never dimmed. Tickets are available for the 3-weekend run beginning May 28. Call (562) 923-1714, or write the Downey Civic Light Opera at P.O. Box 429, Downey, CA 90241.

********** Published: April 24, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 1