The Downey Patriot

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Appreciation for vets

Dear Editor: It is my hope that there are those who (out of appreciation) paused for a few minutes on Veterans Day and attempted to realize the real meaning of that day.

It is my sincere hope that there aren’t many who take for granted the freedom we enjoy, not realizing the expensive price of human lives and sacrifices paid for it. Many combat vets have looked at the face of death in the horrors of war -- some survived, many didn’t. Many of those who were lucky enough to live through it suffered debilitating injuries and post traumatic stress, neither of which is a very happy way to live your life.

Please believe me: we owe our vets, living and dead, our heartfelt thanks and gratitude.

Harold Houghland




Published: Nov. 27, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 33