The Downey Patriot

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Bastard sports bar

Dear Editor:So, Downey, where is the outrage? El Value was not an acceptable name for a market but Bastards is a great choice for a sports bar in the heart of Downey? Hmmm. Right off 2nd Street. No chance our city leaders have missed the 4x8 banner. While the name choice is supposed to be shocking, drum up business, or talk, it makes me wonder what was so shocking about El Value and makes the word "bastard" acceptable. Where are our values when we get outraged about El Value but the word "bastard" is celebrated and tolerated as a business in Downey? Character Counts needs to be more than banners around the city. In case the City Council or City Hall forgot, the six pillars are trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. Sam Ferreira, Downey

Dear Editor: The Bastards name is not only offensive, it is not appropriate for this family-friendly city that places high value on character. This is regarding the newly "re-named" business in the heart of Downey. While we applaud the continuing business growth and revitalization in our city's downtown area, and we are more than happy to welcome new businesses and shoppers, when it comes to names, we must draw the line somewhere. Downey is often referred to as a family-friendly city, which recently announced and unveiled the naming of various streets to reflect the Six Pillars of Character that are taught in all of our Downey schools, placing high value on moral integrity and character. Yet we turn around and allow an establishment to put up the name Bastards? How is that possible? As the commentary by Samm Ferraira indicated [posted online at on Monday], the city was opposed to having a store named El Value, yet we are OK with this establishment's offensive name? While offensive words and lack of civility may be the norm in today's society, let us not forget that while there are those who lack decorum, there are still many, many of us in Downey who continue to live by and teach our children the importance of character. Claudia Marroquin-Frometa, Downey

********** Published: April 19, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 01