The Downey Patriot

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Drugs and speed

Dear Editor:In regard to the letter from Michael Parmer on the subject of legalization of narcotics, he maintains that if illegal drugs are legalized and controlled it would "immediately eliminate the criminal element and drug cartels throughout the world would have to find other means of financing their nefarious, terrorist activities." ("Rational Approach to Narcotics," 8/19/10) After reading his letter to the Patriot, a few questions came to mind. First, if illegal narcotics were to be made legal, how would they be controlled and, more importantly, how would they be sold? Would anyone be able to walk into CVS or Walgreen's and say, "I want two rocks, an ounce of black tar heroin, and two lids of weed, please. And put it on my Visa card?" I seriously doubt that any reputable physician would write a prescription for crack or heroin, so what is the solution for "legal sales?" Second, what exactly are the nefarious, terrorist activities the drug cartels involved in that are not related to their conducting their illegal drug business? More simply, what activities would they need to finance if they weren't distributing illegal narcotics? And third, if only 10% of the population possess the neurological proclivity for addiction, does this figure include those addicted to gambling, pornography, food, shopping/spending money, hoarding, or other addictive behaviors? (I don't ask this third question with sarcasm, I'm just curious as to what is included in the data and if it is strictly in regard to narcotics or all addictions.) Rather than presenting disparaging remarks about conservatives ("ultra-conservative political nonsense", "brainless utterances"), could anyone follow-through with a sensible, viable, and complete solution other than the simplistic "just legalize narcotics and all the bad stuff will go away?" Seriously, I'd like to know. Also, in regard to the article regarding "traffic calming measures" I noticed my street was indicated as a location in immediate need of calming measures. I have lived in this location for 20 1/2 years and, with much resistance from the city, worked with Councilman Bob Winningham to have stop signs put in place at an intersection on the indicated street in order to slow the traffic that has progressively gotten worse since I moved here. I must add that there are some police officers who try to have a presence here when possible, but honestly they do have many more important calls to attend to. Even residents on this street blow off the stop signs, not to mention the many, many parents during the school year who do the same, so I don't know what other "traffic calming" measures can be taken by the city other than speed bumps or cameras that photograph and automatically ticket drivers that don't stop. Until there are regular, unpleasant and costly consequences imposed on speeders and traffic law-breakers, no radar trailers, stop signs, or speed feedback signs will deter those drivers who thumb their nose at traffic laws. Call me cynical, but that's what I've become in my experience with "traffic calming" attempts in my own front yard. -- Janice Allen, Downey

********** Published: August 26, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 19