The Downey Patriot

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Irrigation work at Los Amigos complete

DOWNEY - A project to renovate the irrigation system on the Los Amigos Country Club golf course has been completed on time and on budget, County Supervisor Don Knabe said last week.The county replaced the old system with a new automated system and installed a water connection and pump house that uses reclaimed water to irrigate the course. Two lakes were drained, renovated and relined so they could be used as reservoirs for excess reclaimed water. The $4.2 million project was funded by the Golf Course Capital Improvement Project Funds, which are collected with every green fee. The fees can only be used on the course where it is collected. Additional funding came from the Fourth Supervisorial District Capital Project funds and from a grant by the Central Basin Municipal Water District.

********** Published: September 23, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 23