The Downey Patriot

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It's politics

Dear Editor:Re: "Downey Mayor to Run for State Assembly Again," 10/13/11) Once those who are running for office are decided, I'd like all to appear at an open forum so we could ask questions, then decide which one most closely represents our views, since little attention is given to the voters' views after they are in office. Case in point: I called both Sen. Alan Lowenthal and Assemblyman Ron Calderon's offices to ask how they voted on E-Verify, the bill that requires employers to call and check on the citizenship and verify their Social Security number, which seems to be reasonable to me. However, no one in either office could tell me how they voted and said if I'd leave my name and phone number they would call me back. I guess they're so careless that they both either lost or misplaced it - no call backs. We need to know what their priorities are and what their agenda is before we vote. Hope this forum can be arranged so we can ask questions. I'm concerned after reading SB 48 (Leno) - coauthored by Sen. Lowenthal, signed by Bonnie Lowenthal and others, also signed by Gov. Jerry Brown. Everyone interested in children's education should read it. Basically it states that every school - alternative and charter schools included - would require instruction in social sciences to include a study of the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans. When I asked Sen. Leno's office what ages this would cover, I was told that they would decide what would be taught at various ages. I believe five-year-olds should be making mud pies, riding tricycles, playing on swings, etc. I'm not sure I trust legislators to decide this, as a few years ago I was told by a preschool teacher that they were given books on "Heather has Two Mommies." Maybe parents should take the responsibility, at least through sixth grade, to tell children what they want them to know. And it should be published ahead of time what will be taught at what age. I wonder if people are aware that we already have a Harvey Milk Day in California? I'm concerned after reading "Lara Snags Endorsement for Senate" (10/27/11). If elected, it states "he will make history, as Ricardo would be the first gay person of color [Latino] to be elected to the State Senate," and the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund endorses him. He has been a "champion of equality for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and his leadership in creating the Latino Select Committee of the Latino Legislative Caucus." No mention of how he will get California out of debt or improve education, since California is at the bottom of the 50 states. He says he "would reach true equality for all Americans" but it sounds like he will represent mostly Latinos and homosexuals to me. Then Luis Marquez. I want to know what he would do to get California out of debt. The fact that he is chief aid for Sen. Lowenthal doesn't impress me, seeing how Lowenthal votes and his office seems poorly informed and can be very rude when one calls. It's bothersome to me that we have Sen. Calderon, Assemblyman Calderon and now a third Calderon running for another state Assembly seat. We have Sen. Lowenthal, Assemblywoman Bonnie Lowenthal and now Sen. Lowenthal's chief aide running for Assembly. Maybe we need new blood serving California. -- Elsa Van Leuven, Downey

********** Published: November 10, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 30