The Downey Patriot

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LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Anti-establishment

Dear Editor:

Could Donald Trump really become the next President of the United States? 

Outside of his bombastic rhetoric on some issues and lively personality, it appears he has struck a nerve with a large portion of the public. Many polls have showed him leading, but I believe his elevation is more attached to the failures of party members in addressing issues than him actually saying things that are substantive.

This is why out from the last debate, three of the top five candidates are leading in the polls. What Trump, Fiorina, Sanders, and Carson represent is a move from the status quo. That Washington has become so entrenched in “politics as usual,” that people feel that a shakeup is necessary.  

Here is an example of the problem. The Democrats don’t like the trade deal because they see the possibility of a large percentage of their base having their jobs being outsourced. The Republicans don’t like illegal immigration because it gives the Democrats a future voting base as more people arriving here needing absolutely everything and will be recipients of social programs. Both actually hurt the American workforce because combined it either lowers wages and or leaves whatever jobs are left to be fought over. It is this distrust of government that has voters looking elsewhere for candidates because they feel as if their best interests are ignored.

I’m not sure if Trump will get the nomination, but I appreciate what he is doing for the party. He is forcing them to not concede their positions for votes, to not be RINO’s, but true and authentic Republicans. Trump is winning because he is addressing issues that no one wouldn’t in the past, giving straight talk, but he doesn’t have a governing philosophy or hasn’t laid out any policy positions yet. If he starts to mention specifics, then it will be even more difficult for Bush, Rubio, and Kasick to catch up with the anti-establishment fever.

And with the Democrats no matter what happens with Hillary and the email scandal, no candidate should win the nomination over her because she is considered a safer bet for donors, and has the name recognition. The only problem could be if Joe Biden enters the race because he is the sitting Vice President, and it could be seen as a third Obama term.

Johnathan Quevedo