The Downey Patriot

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Prop 1A no answer for state's fiscal woes

When it comes to fiscal responsibility the California legislature has no credibility as shown by its all time low public approval rating of 21%. Why would Californians consider voting for the Prop 1A "spending reform" measure, drafted by the same government body that created this budget mess, which only adds to the recent largest tax increase in American history?Prop 1A purports to create a "Budget Stabilization Fund" (rainy day fund), which requires the state to set money aside during surplus years to use during deficit ones. If only it were that simpleā€¦ The governor, through executive order, can stop fund transfers anytime. So much for the rainy day fund set aside. Then there is the issue of the spending limit. The language of Prop 1A allows legislators to increase the spending limit by imposing new taxes and fees. No true spending limit, no true spending discipline. Prop 1A does nothing to address the structural deficit built into the budget process. More fancy footwork with no real change. How about Prop 1A's ballot language, which barely mentions the massive tax increases? Knowing that voters won't support tax increases, crafters of Prop 1A describe it as "budget stabilization and reform." In actuality, Prop 1A doubles the taxes already imposed by the Legislature in this last "budget deal." Your raised income taxes, sales taxes, almost doubled car tax, will be extended another two years if Prop 1A passes. The tax credit of $200 per year per child for dependent children will be eliminated. The average California family can expect to pay $1000 more in yearly taxes. Proposition 1A is like letting the fox guard the henhouse. It gives irresponsible politicians a bigger taxpayer treasure chest through a two-year tax extension giving greater payout for poor performance. Prop 1A "reforms" do nothing to solve the State's structural deficit spending and make problems even worse by burdening already struggling Californians with higher taxes. Promised as only temporary, just like the sales tax introduced around World War II, history has shown that temporary tax is an oxymoron. Vote No on Prop1A, May 19th. Gabriella Holt, a former 54th Assembly District candidate, and Palos Verdes Peninsula School Board member, is president of Citizens for California Reform and a Los Angeles County Probation Commissioner."

********** Published: April 17, 2009 - Volume 7 - Issue 52