The Downey Patriot

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Save Medicare

Dear Editor:I am writing to express my deep concern about House Republicans' vote to end Medicare and cut benefits that hardworking seniors have earned. This reckless privatization scheme is an insult to every hardworking American who has paid into Medicare. Especially in these challenging times, when retired Americans rely on their Medicare benefits, Congress must do whatever it takes to protect this critical safety net. Medicare belongs to the people who worked their whole life to pay into the system. It's not the government's piggybank to balance the budget on the backs of seniors. Why should we ask our seniors to choose between paying the heating bill and seeing a doctor while big oil companies are free to keep their huge taxpayer funding? Seniors, our children and grandchildren deserve better than an extreme plan that will take away seniors' basic benefits. As voters, we must urge Congress to find a common sense solution to ensure that Medicare is viable in the months, years and decades to come. -- Winston Benjamin, Downey

********** Published: September 08, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 21