The Downey Patriot

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Truth about drugs

Dear Editor:I'm writing this in all love and kindness, but I believe Mr. Dillon has overlooked some of the results of legalized alcohol. ("Prohibition History Lesson," 7/22/10) I lived in Oklahoma when alcohol was illegal and was illegal many years after most states sold alcohol. Yes, "home brew" was made, and organized crime did exist in Chicago and probably other places. However, I doubt the statistics would show how many deaths are caused by drunk drivers since alcohol was legalized. I'm sure there is no way the sorrow and grief can be measured to know how many homes and lives are destroyed by alcoholics. I had two uncles who were alcoholics. They destroyed their homes and their children's lives. The child of one of them, when told his father died, replied "I have no father." Can Mr. Dillon relate to me what good alcohol has accomplished? Now he thinks legalizing marijuana is good. He said only those over 21 will be allowed to buy it. I say, if even children in grammar school can get it now when it's illegal, how much easier can they get it when it's legal? May I relate a happening in my life? There was a beautiful young lady (23 years old) that I had known from three days old. I loved her as my own. But she started using drugs in late junior high or early high school. Her parents tried in every way to help her, as did my family and I, when I learned of it. There were many years of heartache, until one day she was found in a Los Angeles park - she had overdosed, leaving behind a husband and a beautiful baby under a year old, a grieving family and those of us who loved her. The sound of the dirt shoveled on her coffin doesn't leave, but comes to mind as I think of her. I'm sure this isn't an isolated incident, as a 16-year-old on the next street died very quickly from drugs. Perhaps Mr. Dillon isn't aware of the statistics that 70 percent of marijuana users go on to stronger drugs. Do we then legalize cocaine, amphetamine, etc? There will always be those in society who will sell their soul at the expense of others to get money rather than work for it. Sad but true. If anyone thinks those under 21 will not get drugs, they must still believe in the tooth fairy. -- Elsa Van Leuven, Downey

********** Published: August 12, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 17