The Downey Patriot

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Downey students take part in leadership conference

DOWNEY - More than 100 students participated in a leadership conference at Downey High School last Saturday where students learned to improve their leadership skills and strategies for success.The conference was offered to students in the KIWIN'S student leadership club sponsored by Kiwanis Club of Downey.

Before they set off to different tailor-made workshops, students were welcomed by John Yoo, lieutenant governor of the KIWIN'S Diamond Division, which consists of six different high schools, including Downey.

They were challenged by Kiwanian Alex Gaytan to "use this opportunity to become true leaders and choose the workshops that would benefit them most."

Students broke out into workshops that focused on topics such as public speaking, social issues, planning and organizing events, life after high school, and more.

"I think it gave everyone a bunch of new ideas to improve their schools and communities," said Jessica Samaniego, a junior at Downey High. Senior Min Lee said the conference "will help everyone refine their vision."

"We're all just trying to get a new perspective on service leadership so that we can make a greater impact," she added.

The conference drew to a close with a roaring KIWIN'S cheer and a musical performance by Jaime Vega.

********** Published: January 17, 2013 - Volume 11 - Issue 40