The Downey Patriot

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Auction items on display

DOWNEY - The Downey City Library is now displaying items from the silent auction currently being conducted by Friends of the Downey City Library.Auction items include "Ancient Egypt" by Lorna Oaks and Lucia Gashin, an illustrated reference to the myths, religions, pyramids and temples of the land of the Pharaohs; "A Charlie Brown Christmas" VHS video and "The Joy of a Peanuts Christmas" book, Charlie Brown and his friends discover the true meaning of Christmas plus 50 years of holiday comics; "A Beatrix Potter Treasure," the original and authorized editions of 10 classic tales all with their original illustrations. Bids can be placed inside the Friends' book store until Dec. 10. A complete list of auction items is online at All sales benefit the library.

********** Published: November 24, 2011 - Volume 10 - Issue 32