The Downey Patriot

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Letter to the Editor: New leadership

Dear Editor:

Thank goodness the election results are in and we will now have new leadership in the White House who will dismantle President Trump's wicked actions of:

Bringing home our military and ending the endless wars in the Middle East

Cutting taxes and regulations for small businesses

Brokering peace accords between Israel and Muslim countries

Building a wall to secure our southern border

Removing the United States from the Paris Climate Accord which punished American industry over that of China's and other countries

Negotiating trade agreements between Mexico, Canada, and China

In Biden's presidency, all these unfair practices will be eliminated because we are a country of compassion and fairness, and, therefore, we should allow our borders to be wide open to allow all individuals to enter. Additionally, we need to welcome anyone regardless if they hate us, to gain residency in our country. 

And, of course, we all know that the federal government knows best when taxing the rich "big time", dividing the wealth among all, except for that of our hard-working, dedicated, deserving leaders, mandating nationalized health care for all, except, of course, not for our hard-working, caring federal leaders, and taking control over all aspects of our lives, with, of course, our best interests in mind.  

How blessed are we Americans to finally get Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, and others who are so caring and so wanting to enrich our lives with their undiminished wisdom and love for country, lead us in making a "New Better America" just like Venezuela's. 

After all, this change is fair, and we all should be grateful to be poor and hungry in support of the "New Better America", and we should be deliriously happy to sacrifice for our loving, caring leaders who by being so concerned for us are removing all the egregious practices mentioned above.

Such great leadership and love for country brings tears to my eyes.

Martha Morrissy