The Downey Patriot

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Political leaders

Dear Editor:Surely this can't be the change the majority of the people who voted for President Obama wanted. Did you want the U.S. to have a $13 trillion deficit or $100 trillion unfunded entitlements, i.e., Social Security, which is now in the red, Medicare, MediCal and government pensions, etc. with no way to pay for all of them? It is projected that in less than 10 years the national debit will be 90 percent of our gross national product. Are you aware that in 2011 the Bush tax cuts will expire? Cap and trade are before the Senate now. This horrible legislation will cause all energy prices to go up. Obama has said it will cause electricity to skyrocket, all utilities will go up, gasoline prices will rise and now they're talking about a value added tax. The worst part of cap and trade is energy will be put under the U.N.; we will be forced to buy carbon credits. Of course, Al Gore, who has perpetrated this hoax, along with others, can afford to buy them. I doubt candles light his five or six homes, and I'm sure his Gulf Stream airplane still uses fossil fuel. All this and more is going on while California has 9 percent unemployment, and in some areas as high as 12 percent. Did you want $500,000 spent to study where the stimulus package was spent? Did you want $400,000 to be sent to Palestine (the Hamas) to improve their water supply and to build and improve their schools? Of course, the San Joaquin Valley lost many crops because they had no water, and we all are aware that here teachers are being dismissed and class sizes are being increased. These elected officials who are supposed to represent us or were put in office because we thought they understood why we put them there apparently haven't the ability to understand that the U.S. can't sustain this obscene debt. I believe they are deliberately trying to take our country down to the level of poverty of other countries. This way we can be put under a One World Government. It's all about power and money. If this administration didn't like the U.S., why didn't they leave and run for office in some communist or progressive country where they want the government to pay for everything from cradle to grave, and destroy it with deep debt? - Elsa Van Leuven, Downey

********** Published: June 17, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 9