The Downey Patriot

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Stand up to NRA

Dear Editor:Once again, another madman has committed an unspeakable crime in a theater in Aurora, Colo. Once again, this crime involved assault weapons. Once again, we are having the obligatory beating of the chest, the questioning and analyzing of "why and how." Eventually this will go away, will be forgotten and life will go on...until the next time. Now is the time for people to demand that our politicians say "no" to the NRA and the gun lobby. We have to demand, by our vote, that they release their stranglehold on the politicians. Unless and until that happens these tragedies will continue. Lives will be destroyed, hearts will be broken and we will have the same cycle all over again. God bless the families who have been affected by this horrible event. Lois Rossi Downey

********** Published: July 26, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 15