The Downey Patriot

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Stauffer Middle School

Dear Editor:The heading "Stauffer Elementary?" given to my letter (The Downey Patriot, 10/12/12) should perhaps had been "Stauffer Middle School?" The reason is that Dr. Mary Stauffer has done so much for West Middle School that it would justify renaming it Stauffer Middle School. Some of the things I know Dr. Stauffer has done for West include funding the cyberonic center, computer labs for the library and the tech teacher. And let's not forget Project Lead the Way (the only middle school in Downey with this engineering program) and funding their innovative broadcasting system. I urge all parents of West Middle School, along with current and past students, to start a letter-writing campaign addressed to the Downey Unified School District board of education supporting a motion to rename West Middle School as Stauffer Middle School. It is the least that could be done to recognize such a generous philanthropist who has done and continues to do so much for the students of Downey. Jorge Montero Downey

********** Published: October 18, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 27