The Downey Patriot

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Support for Saab and Murray

Dear Editor:I recently wrote a letter expressing surprise and dismay that our current city council had voted 3-2 to authorize a study by the Los Angeles County Fire Department to provide data showing what would be involved (including cost) if Downey disbanded its fire department and contracted with the county for fire protection. Three council members apparently succumbed to pressure by the firefighters' union to do this. This is wrong. Since its inception in the late 50s, Downey has been a "full service" city - providing for and controlling all essential services, including fire protection. When the same issue arose in the 90s the council unanimously proposed a charter amendment, adopted by over 85 percent of our voting citizens, to require a 2/3 majority vote of the citizens before the city could convert to county fire or police protection. A very important city council election will be held next month (Nov. 6). Two council positions are involved. District 5 (the city-wide office) has four candidates and District 1 (the city's southeast quadrant) has three candidates. I and my wife, Jean, highly favor a candidate in each race, namely, Alex Saab for District 5 and Michael Murray for District 1. They each support retention of our city fire department. They each were raised in Downey and went to school here. They each have successful local businesses (Alex is an attorney and realtor, and Michael owns an automobile sales agency). They and their wives have been very active in numerous local volunteer activities. They are fluent in Spanish. We have known them for a number of years - they are intelligent and honest. Further, they are not being financed by the firefighters' union (in contrast to some of their opponents). We urge Downey citizens to vote for Alex Saab and Michael Murray on Nov. 6! Bob Brazelton Former mayor, Downey

********** Published: October 11, 2012 - Volume 11 - Issue 26