The Downey Patriot

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Thieves targeting people wearing gold

DOWNEY - The Downey Police Department would like to make the public aware of a recent trend that thieves are employing to steal gold from unsuspecting citizens.Because the price of gold has dramatically increased, coupled with the growth of businesses that give cash for gold, thieves are looking for people wearing gold jewelry. Thieves will generally look for people wearing expensive watches, gold chains and other jewelry. The thieves will wait until you let your guard down and then steal your valuables. These criminals have been known to work alone; however, they will work in groups of two or more. They will sometimes have a look-out nearby to alert them of police or potential witnesses. In these times of economic turmoil, try not to wear expensive jewelry when engaged in routine activities. Taking this precaution will make you less attractive to potential thieves and reduce the risk of becoming a victim. Additionally, when in public places such as shopping malls, parkings lots or walking alone, always be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. Crime prevention is a community responsibility that requires everyone to work together. You truly are the eyes and ears of the police department and we encourage you to report any suspicious individuals and/or activity. For additional crime safety tips, please go to the Downey Police Department's website at and look for "Crime Tips" under the investigation tab. -Contributed by the Downey Police Department

********** Published: December 23, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 36