The Downey Patriot

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Unsafe streets

Dear Editor:I would like to bring to your attention my concern for the speeders in our community. Most the time they go over the speed limit and get away with it. I have witnessed them speeding mostly on residential streets and school zones. They run red lights, stop signs, tailgate other cars, cut people off, cause accidents and deaths. They're the reason why insurance goes up. My suggestions are as follows: •Put more police officers on the streets and freeways. •Higher fines for speeders and possible suspension or loss of license for repeat offenders. •More speed bumps on residential streets and school zones. •Cameras on streets. •Manufacture cars to go a safer speed. I do appreciate the time you spent reading my letter. I hope that my concern for our community is taken into consideration. - Bridgette Hayes, Downey

********** Published: December 18, 2009 - Volume 8 - Issue 35