The Downey Patriot

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Warren changes name of its Winter Formal

DOWNEY - Warren High School's winter dance, originally referred to as "Winter Formal," is now known as "Winter Ball" and has added a senior Winter Court.Winter Formal was recently changed to Winter Ball unanimously by ASB to give a twist to the dance. "I think it should have stayed as Winter Formal because a lot of people still refer to it as that," said senior Louis Bravo. But not everyone agreed. "The title Winter Ball sounds so much more exciting," said senior Stephanie Alegria. "Winter Formal seems stuffier and bland. Winter Ball has an enchanting touch to it. Lets hope it lives up to its title." As well as a change in the name, Warren also added a Winter Court where teachers, not the student body, nominate their students of choice. The teachers were all emailed a ballot asking to nominate both a girl and boy student that is a senior with good character. The seniors did not have to be enrolled in the teacher's class but had to have grades above a "D" or an "F" to qualify. Students that attend the dance on Jan. 29 at The Reef in Long Beach are going to vote on the Winter Ball King and Queen. The princes for court are Eddie Posadas, Felipe Hernandez, Hector Rivera, Matthew Caswell and Esteban Garcia. The princesses are Deborah Won, Desiree Greenhouse, Heather Haddon, Samantha Castellanos, Savannah Vilaubi and Nicole Kosakowski. The nominees will each receive a complimentary ticket to Winter Ball's "An Enchanted Evening." The princes are also going to receive a free tuxedo rental from Downey Rent-A-Tux. Winter Court was proposed by Alison Davis, an English teacher. She thought of the idea because when she attended Downey High School as a student they had a Winter Court where teachers nominated students. "I think it is a good thing," said Cindy Miyada a biology teacher. "It shows more diversity. People who may not always be recognized have a chance to shine." Deanna Kim is co-commissioner of dance for Warren High School ASB.

********** Published: January 13, 2011 - Volume 9 - Issue 39