The Downey Patriot

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Unsecure border

Dear Editor:Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard's feel-good comments were shameful ("Congress Members Push for Civil Rights in Immigration Reform," The Downey Patriot, 4/18/13). We break up families when a person is sent to prison and when a soldier is deployed to right and protect our freedoms. Of course this makes Roybal-Allard a hypocrite because I'm pretty sure that she is not going to let all criminals out of prison. The illegal alien invaders gave up their rights when they broke our laws and entered our country. Want to do something constructive? Secure the border. Let's say, for argument's sake, that there are three types of people coming to our great country illegally: a) people who are going to stay, b) people who are going to stay for a short time, presumably to earn money and go back, and c) criminals. Last group will probably get caught, tried and deported (unless Roybal-Allard want to extend to them rights that even American citizens don't have). The second group we don't have to worry about. That leaves the first group but it is only 30% of the original problem and a solution will probably be easier to resolve. I don't want my intelligence insulted by Roybal-Allard, claiming that our southern border is secure. I have been there and I have photos. Kevin Myers Downey

Dear Editor: In response to the editorial about immigration reform, I was again shocked at the extent that these congress members expect from us to protect those who are not citizens and are not in our country legally. I am all for legal immigration. Many, many in our nation are immigrants. I remember the time that new immigrants had to have a sponsor that vouched for them and would assure the U.S. government that those who wanted to immigrate here would have employment, a place to live, etc. Now, it is more like an open door - come on in and we will support you, give your children a free education, pay for all of your medical treatment, and pay for an attorney if anyone tries to deport you. Balderdash! Prsident Reagan tried amnesty and work permits and compassion and a Congress that promised to enforce the laws of the land - it didn't happen. And instead of the few million that were granted amnesty, we now have at least 12 million, if not more. My granddaughter married a fine Christian pastor in South Africa and he could not even get a visa to come here to visit. Finally, after many contacts and struggles and payments of redundant fees, he was granted a visa. How is it that this happens while criminals come in bringing drugs and women come here to give birth. How is it that these murderers in Boston received visas and even citizenship so quickly and so easily? Can Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard answer these questions please? Maggie Allen Downey

********** Published: April 25, 2013 - Volume 12 - Issue 02