Asssistance League Christmas brunch returns to Downey Nov. 23

DOWNEY – The Assistance League of Downey will host its annual Christmas Tree Brunch at the Rio Hondo Event Center on Sunday, Nov. 23. “Members have been busy trimming Christmas trees, making hand-crafted items, filling baskets and collecting treasures for sale,” members of the Assistance League said. Profits from the brunch will be used to fund the many philanthropic projects of the League, including Operation School Bell, Kids on the Block, its dental program, Christmas distribution, scholarships, and H.O.M.E.

Tickets are $50 and include lunch, entertainment, a silent auction, vendors, and opportunities to win decorated trees and gifts.

Reservations are available by calling the Second Tyme Around Shop at (562) 869-0232.



Published: Oct. 23, 2014 - Volume 13 - Issue 28

Jennifer DeKay