The Downey Patriot

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Saab for District 5?

Dear Editor:I am very upset at the residents of District 4. Voters made a huge mistake when they failed to elect Alex Saab to the City Council. He was, in my opinion and many others, the most qualified, educated and experienced candidate. I hope this letter will motivate him to run for District 5 in two years. We need a talented young Downey resident to be our voice; so far, no one is listening. We need a business owner and a community leader who is truly committed to our city, someone who cares about its community as much as Mr. Saab does. Our current representative, Luis Marquez, told us this year when he ran for state assembly where his priorities were - not with our city. He lost overwhelmingly. Mr. Marquez won in 2008 because Fernando Vasquez pulled out of the campaign. Then, Mr. Marquez coincidentally rewarded Mr. Vasquez with a planning commission seat - which he should not have accepted because of the conflict of interest he had with his employer, National Core, but that is a letter for another day. During this election, Mr. Marquez of course endorsed Mr. Vasquez. Those two individuals on the City Council should worry us all. I smell something very corrupt and fishy. So, Mr. Saab, if you find it in your heart to help our city and run for District 5, you can count on my support and the support of my neighbors. We need integrity on our City Council. -- Cecilia Ramirez, Downey

********** Published: November 11, 2010 - Volume 9 - Issue 30